Category: 600 Words

The Truth about Secrets

The Truth about Secrets

“A moment of complex reflection.” Almost every day we can add a secret thought of remorse or avarice to the list. Always a private thought, never shared. Or maybe a wish to be somewhere or someone else. Secrets can be prickly sins, and we typically never expose them to those sharing our lives for fear of judgement. And yet, sometimes,… Learn More

10 Essential Leadership Words

10 Essential Leadership Words

Reading is such an important skill in developing our capability, many of us having varying degrees of readership skills and some just don’t read enough. There is an enormous catalogue of Leadership literature available for those seeking advice. Experts have written books on any issue you could imagine and libraries grow with different experts providing much advice, how big is… Learn More

Larry Moss Master Acting Coach

When a Master speaks – time to listen.

When a master speaks history says we should stop and listen, to learn. It is little wonder fine academy award winning actors such as Hilary Swank, and Helen Hunt, praise Larry Moss as a coach, and Leonardo DiCaprio, acknowledges Larry helping him develop more as an actor.